Customized Payroll Solutions

MeetingNew Minneapolis Sick Leave

City of Minneapolis Ordinance 2016-040
Effective July 1, 2017

Note this ordinance applies to anyone performing service or work in the city of Minneapolis. If your business is located outside of the city and you send employees into the city you must "track hours worked in the city by each employee performing work in the city" City of Minneapolis ordinance 2016-040.270

Breaking News: A judge has ordered an injunction against enforcing this ordinance on companies located outside Minneapolis city limits until a lawsuit against the ordinance can be settled.

In summary, any employer with six (6) or more employees whether in the city of Minneapolis or not must provide paid sick time for employees "who perform work within the geographic boundaries of the City for at least (80) hours in a year" " City of Minneapolis ordinance 2016-040.40

Employees that qualify "will accrue a minimum of (1) hour of sick and safe time for every thirty (30) hours worked up to a maximum of forty eight (48) hours in a calendar or fiscal year" City of Minneapolis ordinance 2016-040.210 Employees are eligible to use the accrued sick and safe time ninety days after commencement of work. A labor poster is required to be posted in all languages spoken by more than five percent (5%) of the workplace. The complete 20 page ordinance is available for download here:
City of Minneapolis Ordinance 2016-04

As part of the oridinance, Minneapolis businesses are required to post a notice to all employees notifying them of the Employee Sick and Safe Time rules and rights. Download and post the poster here.

Minneapolis Employee Sick and Safe Time Notice

Century Pay can help you navigate these changes.

Accrual Rate 1 hour per 30 hours worked in City Limits
Elligibility Employee works at least 80 hours per year in Minneapolis city limits
Max Accrual per Year 48 hours
Max per Year with Carryover 80 hours
Begin Accruing 1st Day
Employee can start using 90 calendar days after start
Number of Employees less than 6 - Unpaid SST
more than 5 - Paid SST
Effective Date Company inside city limits - July 1, 2017
Outside city limits - Waiting for lawsuit settlement
Eligibility Employee works in Minneapolis city limits
Exemptions Construction prevailing wage

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